Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 22nd - Monday & April 23rd - Tuesday


Joe is starting to sleep more during the day.  Any type of activity tends to wear him out.  His food intake is also starting to decrease.  And, he is asking for more meds to fight off the anxiety and air hunger that happens with this horrible disease.  When you have nothing but time, you tend to think and worry about everything.  With worry, comes anxiety....and sometimes that is so hard to deal with unless you have some help. 

Our day shifter for today was Jane (Joe's sister).  She took a day off work just to help us out.  We can't thank you enough for giving of your time.  Amber (hospice aid) came by in the morning to bathe and shave Joe.  He really enjoys the pampering and I do, too.  He typically sleeps during most of the event.  Our friend, Pat, picked up Dan from school.  He had to work the 5-8 shift at his part-time job, so when Jane left here for the day, she took Dan to work for me.  Thank you!

Steve M. and Joe H. (both Elder Class of '79) stopped by late afternoon to visit Joe.  They talked about contacting some other members of their HS class to make sure they come by and visit Joe.  Dave F. (Elder Class of '79) stopped by early evening to visit Joe and drop off a dinner for us.  Thank you!  Our friend, Kathy H. (Seton Class of '81), called to ask if there was anything she could pick up for us.  I gave her a few grocery items and she delivered.  She also visited with Joe for a short time.

Later in the evening, our friend Ed (from church) picked up Dan from work and brought him home.  He came in for a few minutes to see Joe.


Joe had a rougher day today.  He was very anxious about eating, taking his pills, drinking water, etc. all due to the choking incident from Saturday night.  Swallowing is difficult with this disease and the thinner the drink or food, the more chance you have for choking.  So, many times, you are asked to thicken everything....including water.  And, the thickening agent is nasty tasting.  Joe knows to tuck his chin down when he eats and drinks to keep things from going down into his lungs.  So, the meds come in handy to help with these feelings of anxiety....allows you to calm down and breathe easier.

Our day shifter today was Vicki Y.  She is our hair stylist.  She volunteered her time on her off day to help with Joe.  She's known Joe since he was in high school.  She brought along her trimming equipment to help give Joe a much needed haircut.  We used the patient lifter to get him in the wheelchair out in the entrance hall (tile floor) so clean up was easy.  We vacuumed the floor and chair when she was finished.  When she left at the end of the day, Vicki took Dan to work for us.  Many thanks!

Our friend, Kay (from Taco Bell group), stopped by to bring back Becca's gym shoe.  She twisted her ankle pretty badly and Kay let her borrow a boot to wear on her foot until we can get it x-rayed.  She was going to visit with Joe, but he was indisposed at the time.  Wilma (hospice aid) came by in the early afternoon to bathe Joe and change all the linens.

Dave B. (Elder Class of '79) came by after his work day to visit with Joe.  He ended up running to the store for us to pick up a few things on our grocery list because Joe was not having a good day at the time.  Their visit was shorter than planned.  My sister, Jenny, stopped by to deliver the hand pillow that we left in the van from the church visit over the weekend.  She also brought by 3 specialty Z-Flo (fluidized positioners) pillows that conform to the shape of your body.  Her friend, Lisa, who drove the wheelchair van to church for us, had them at her house and graciously let us borrow them.  Thank you! 

At the end of the evening, Jerri (from church) picked up Dan and brought him home from work.  She came into visit Joe and encourage him to keep fighting.  She was very emotional as she was leaving when she hugged me.  Of course, that made me cry, too.  But, it was good to let some of the emotions out. 

Wow!  The people that call and text and offer their time and help is just so unbelievably generous.  The outpouring of love from everyone is just so touching.  It helps us get through these days.  Thanks so much to all of you.....for everything.


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