Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 6th - Saturday

Joe had a rougher day yesterday.  He didn't get that power nap in like he wanted so he was pretty tired when visitors stopped by.  He enjoyed the day but he was really exhausted by early evening.  With it being the first really nice Saturday since Spring began, most people had things to do so our visitor list was lighter than it has been.

Joe's sister, Jane, came by before afternoon church and got all of us communion, which her daughter, Stephanie delivered in early evening.  Andy and Margaret (cousins) and her husband Paul, (who picked up OJ and Yoplait yogurts for me at the store) stopped by mid-afternoon. 

Our neighbor, Mary Alice, transported Dan to an Elder HS singing event, and our friend, Pat, brought him home later in the evening.  Thank you to both!  We appreciate all the help with transportation runs.  Joe had a craving for Donato's Chicken Mariachi pizza, so Becca and I made a run.  When we returned, Joe only had a few bites of 1 piece because he was so tired and had a killer of a headache.

As promised the JUI story:  In September, 1983, a friend's older brother had a bachelor party that Joe attended.  He rode there with friends but had to work early the next day.  He drank 4 8oz. beers over the evening and wanted to leave.  However; his ride was not ready to leave.  Joe had on his sweats, so he decided to run/jog home, which was about 5.5 miles.  It was dark and one of the main roads had no sidewalk, so each time a car would come by, Joe would run into a driveway until the car passed.  A Green Township police officer stopped Joe claiming someone had called to complain of a jogger who was weaving.  He asked Joe for his license, asked him if he had been drinking, etc.  Joe was truthful and explained the situation.  The officer took him home and then proceeded to write out a ticket for JUI-Jogging under the influence, and Joe fought the ticket in court.  There is no such thing as a JUI...the officer was bucking for a promotion.  Joe's dad was his character witness.  The case ended up being dismissed because the officer didn't show up. 

The story ended up in the national news, and Carson, Letterman, National Enquirer, The Globe, ABCNews-Peter Jennings, all wanted to interview him.  As a matter of fact, Joe showed me newspaper clippings of the story when we were first dating.  Joe's mom was adamant about him not going on TV because he was close to graduating from college and she thought no one would hire him because of the exposure.  So, Joe declined all offers.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) called and loved the fact that he did not get behind the wheel of a car after drinking.  To this day, the police officer is still made fun of for the incident. 

Stephanie (2nd cousin) found one of the old newspaper articles online and sent to me, so I decided to share.  Thanks Steph!,3212808

OK, I expect others to help me with future stories....please send them to my e-mail:  Any and all anecdotes welcome!

Please continue to keep Joe in your daily prayers.  You are all so amazing and supportive!

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